Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Online Betting

Each country has its own set of rules and regulations for betting, in many countries online betting is an illegal activity. There are many websites which have their servers hosted at the countries where online betting is legal so there is very little any government can do about it. Usually, if you are an American and would try to place a bet using your credit card at any gambling site 8 out of 10 times chances are your bank would not approve the transaction, that is the reason payment by check and wire transfer are popular way of depositing your bankroll.

There are also some sites which would provide you with a virtual visa card number and you can use that card at any gambling sites. Alternatively, you can also get a Visa Gift Card from nearby store and use that to make payments.

In online betting, odds makers try to strike a balance in action on both sides of bet, so that many bets don’t come in only one side of the game because if that side wins bookie would suffer from huge loss and they certainly don’t want this to happen.

Experts consider a sport betting bookie would always have an advantage. They have this simple theory that one would always lose money in long series of bets. You may get lucky but only in short term. Why? Simple reason is 11/10 vig which ensures bookie would always be in profit. So when you bet on a point spread game and you put $1100 at stake and win then in return you would get $2110 i.e. $1110 your money and $1000. It is an advantage which results in the fact that bookie would always make money. So if you play in long term then you need to win 52.38% of time to be in the no profit and not loss position. There are very few professional gamblers who are exception to this obviously they are backed by years experience and plenty of luck.

Online casino games and Poker are very popular among regular players and it is also legal in most of the countries like Europe and Australia to name a few.

Casinos and gambling have their root in Europe, online gambling is also completely legal there and it is one of the most booming industries. Poker is also very popular in most of European countries and it has generated most competitive online Poker players.

Similarly in Australia, online gambling is legal, but you also need to check the state laws before you go ahead with your gambling plans. For example if you are in Queensland and you intentionally take part in some gambling service which supplier is not suppose to provide as he doesn’t have license for it then you would be breaching the law. On an average Australian’s lose more money per adult at gambling than any other society.

As you are reading this article chances are you might be interested in trying your luck in online betting. You would be glad to know in United States and many other countries there is no law which targets an individual gambler, they are majorly focused on the people who are running the show of online gambling. It’s a personal responsibility of one to realize the fact that like any other form of gambling online betting also has more losers than gainers and one should not go overboard (if you cannot ignore it completely) or use money which cannot be replaced, if lost in gambling. Having said that, online betting can be a fun and you can win if you know how to roll your dice.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Black Widow Spiders

This post has been moved to Reader's Nirvana Blog. You can find it under the heading Black Widow Spider.